Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day Trading

Day traders rapidly buy and sell stocks throughout the day in the hope that their stocks will continue climbing or falling in value for the seconds to minutes they own the stock, allowing them to lock in quick profits. Day trading is extremely risky and can result in substantial financial losses in a very short period of time. If you are a day trader, or are thinking about day trading, read our publication, Day Trading: Your Dollars at Risk. We also have warnings and tips about online trading and day trading.

Under the rules of NYSE and NASD, customers who are deemed "pattern day traders" must have at least $25,000 in their accounts and can only trade in margin accounts. For more information, you can read the NASD's Notice to Members and the New York Stock Exchange's Information Memo.

The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling has a quiz to help you decide if you are gambling in our markets and where to go for help.

We launched our website in order to provide an opportunity for customers to buy great products at fair prices. Marking up electronics prices 400%, then running a sale for 80% off didn't seem right. So we found top quality suppliers and researched the pricing. Our philosophy is to provide a great product at a reasonable price so everyone wins.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Our Company

GlobalJavaTrading Company is managed by people who are passionate about electronics and with GlobalJavaTrading Company, you have entered a privileged world of highly satisfying electronics manufacturer and many more. GlobalJavaTrading Company offers electronics at prices that you'll find hard to believe! We consider our customers to be our first priority and do our utmost to ensure customer satisfaction. Our aim is to sell the finest quality products in incredible designs and promote them through our website. And the future looks brighter than ever.